ProForTask's How-to guide on Surviving Finals Week
College life is both exciting and stressful. At the beginning of the semester, it seems that the future is bright and all everything will be ok. But then the dark times come. Try these strategies that should help you keep your sanity for the finals week.
1. Planning and scheduling
Before you start studying, get your schedule for your exams and deadlines. Your college or university has its algorithm for constructing the exam schedule. Sometimes your exam can be during your regular class. Sometimes it may be scheduled for an entirely different day and time. Make sure you none of your exams overlap with each other. After you have your schedule, use a planner or calendar to write them down and pin it in a place that is noticeable.2. Stop using social media
I know this may sound impossible, but don’t throw stones at me just yet. Studies show that people about 60% of time spent online, is spent on social media. Let’s be honest, how much would your productivity increase if you’d cut social media time in two? If you don’t have enough willpower to do this, you can try some cool apps that automatically limit your time on Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media platform. Try it out for at least a few dates, and you’ll see a drastic difference.Check these writing mistakes by Essay box and start avoid them.
3. Get enough sleep
Finals week is rarely associated with sleep. Matter of fact, it quite the opposite. But sleep affects your studying efficiency. Pulling an all-nighter may sound like a good idea, and actually, there is nothing wrong with that. You don’t have to sleep only at night, look into alternative sleeping schedules. Some of them may suit your exam schedule better than usual monophasic sleep.4. Limit your junk food intake
When your body is stressed, you get the craving for ice-cream, Doritos, enormous amounts of coffee, fast food, and all that stuff. Not a good idea. The reason is not only because it is junk food that is bad for your body (which it definitely is, but hey YOLO), it’s because these foods make you sleepy, take more energy to digest, and they do not nourish your brain cells. Save those Cheetos for later and get yourself a bag of baby carrots.Do you found it hard? Check awesome motivation tips from
5. Try different studying methods
Most students are used to study for finals or exams chronologically. While it may work for some, others find it quite difficult to focus on one thing for an extended period of time. It’s totally fine to switch between topics and studying whatever interests you in that moment. You can also use different study tools or services like Quizlet, GoConqr, ProForTask, Evernote, StudyBlue, etc.6. Move around and change locations
Sitting in one place and studying all the time will get you nowhere. Especially if it’s your dorm room, where you’re super relaxed and sitting in your pajamas. Besides, roommates or friends that chill with you there can be a distraction. Choose a few places and change them around. Whether it is a quiet coffee shop, library, park or any other place. Figure out whatever works for you.In any case, don’t think of finals at the end of the world. You’ll get through this. It’s always darkest before dawn :)
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